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About Us


This site is dedicated to help you to find the best health services available in Egypt and  all over the world, and it is free.

Send a brief history of your medical problem with any helping documents and we will be back to you with a free medical consultation provided by one of the best doctors in the world especialized in your case.

We can also help you to be seen and treated by your doctor in any area of the world. We can make an appointment for you and manage your trip from a to z regarding flight reservation, booking hotels or apartments, city transportation  and social and touristic stay.

Our network of services offers you a granted lowest price of medical services, transportation and touristic services.


Providing you with the best doctors for the best care

Professor, Alayman Hussein
الأستاذ الدكتور/ الأيمن فتحى حسين

Professor of Urology and Andrology

أستاذ المسالك البولية والذكورة وعقم الرجال

مستشفى المنيا الوطنى.jpg
Minia National Hospital
مستشفى المنيا الوطنى


Dr. Anthony Robins


Patron 6, Sunnywise Ciurt 1, Office 102-102, 6051 Larnaca, Cyprus

Whats app. 00357 96776337

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